Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Convenient Exaggeration - Reprise

Some of you haven't seen this, so happy reading and happy thoughts!

A Convenient Exaggeration
The economy is in a tailspin! Worst drop on Wall Street in recorded history! Recession! The headlines, both in print and in cyberspace have been waving like large red flags, semaphores of caution and fear. Ever since 9/11, fear has been a part of all our lives. The safety net of living in a wealthy, secure country has been yanked from beneath us and below that net the jagged rocks of reality loom.
I remember – doesn’t everyone ? – how I felt when that net was pulled away. I recall feeling so helpless when I realized that not only had thousands of lives been lost, hearts broken, but that the economy was going to suffer too. The media had a heyday. They kept stating emphatically that the economy was going into recession, hammering this into our brains, invading our living rooms and places of work with their barrage of bad news and there was nothing, nothing we could do about it.
I have since realized that this is utter and complete nonsense. The world did change that day. What happened was something I can only pray will never happen again, but the financial outcome was not pre-determined. We made it happen by enabling, listening to the online and printed media until, through repetition and sheer erosion of our optimism and spirits, we believed. We hunkered down as if for a natural disaster and caused our own financial catastrophe by not spending wisely, ditching our investments and general panic. Not only individuals but corporations made foolish, short-sighted decisions, like outsourcing call center positions to foreign countries.
What has been the result of the panic? Something worth panicking for. A self-fulfilling prophecy of the most ridiculous kind. Now, seven years later, we are facing another economic crisis, this one propelled not by terror and tragedy, but another string of bad decisions. The real estate boom turned into a fragile bubble, because people couldn’t plan their finances far enough in advance. Chickens were counted that had never planned on hatching. We should have started to rely on a renewable combustion source for our vehicles, but instead we wasted what we had and purchased larger, less fuel-efficient modes of transportation.
So are we doomed again? Do we have no choice but to bow under the load of the inevitable? Have the media and the circumstances we find ourselves in taken away our free agency? Our right to choice a better life? Has the American Dream died in the ashes and rubble beneath the twin towers, in the shadows of foreclosed homes, in the eyes of the newly unemployed?
No! I am no economist, so maybe someone like me is the right person to wave my own flag, but not the red flag of warning or the white of surrender. This doesn’t have to be our future. We are not destined for weakness.
The many news stories, articles and blogs of hard times have much less true backing than the newsmakers would have you believe. What they are positing is not pure truth but, to paraphrase Mr. Gore, a convenient exaggeration. Convenient for Big Media because it brings viewers and adds readership. It doesn’t have to. Life simply doesn’t have to conform to television.
We can sacrifice, save and get out of all credit card debt. We can invest wisely, not paying attention to the doomsday financial prophecies, but instead making measured, long-term decisions and holding on to companies we believe in. We can stop watching the news, except for select programs we trust and quickly scan the highlights. We do not need to let the media tell us what to believe. Never again do we want to allow someone else to tell us that there is no hope.
There is hope! If we all decide as a group, as a united country, regardless of current economic status, political or religious affiliation, to unite in positive thought, responsible actions, we can succeed. Getting out of debt is not impossible. Learning to live within or below your means doesn’t have to be dull. Investing wisely and believing in your choices doesn’t have to be a pipe dream. We can tell all the naysayers, talking heads and people who would divide us, those who would draw gender, racial and party lines and order us to stay behind them, that we have had enough. We are done. We will spend wisely to stimulate the economy, we will make smart investments, responsible environmental choices. We do have power to change our reality. We don’t have to support companies who outsource their employees to other countries. We can buy local goods and services. If gas prices rise and take their toll, we can buy bicycles or walk and then invest in the very sporting goods and shoe companies that help us run our day-to-day errands.
We don’t have to be militant nor extreme. All we need is the common sense we seem to have lost with that safety net we now miss. All we need is the unity we had in crisis seven years ago. We can reclaim it through joy rather than tragedy. We can simply move forward with hope for the future, with a plan to become fiscally sound and environmentally aware.
As for myself, I refuse point blank to stare sadly and passively at a glowing media screen, taking in daily doses of despair. I will push away from the table when served a dish of despondency. I will not blind my eyes to reality, but will deal with facts, not hype. I am taking charge of my own wallet and am politely asking the media to let go of it. I never gave them permission to even hold my purse, let alone spend my money. It is time for a better truth, a better way. I am building my own net. You are invited to join me, but rest assured I will build it alone, cheerfully, if no one joins me.
America, here’s to hope. That’s a better truth. Pretty convenient, too.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Happy Day!

Hey all,

Happy Nut Day! Today is the day to eat hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, pecans, whichever your hearts and stomachs desire! My Daddy is allergic, so none for him. He can eat peanuts. Did you know that peanuts really are not nuts at all but legumes, like the potato? And he can eat almonds, because they are fruit. Almonds are extremely good for you in low doses. Great for the heart and cholesterol.

Have a wonderful day and hope someone reads these blogs.

God bless you all! I believe He wants to: we just have to let Him!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Happy Mushroom Day!

Hey everyone!

Did you have your mushroom and steak? Mushroom and pizza? Fried mushrooms and ranch dressing? Today is muchroom day. When I was little, I always confused mushrooms and marshmallows.
Thought for the day: In times of economic stress, don't forget to still invest (it's cheaper now) and buy things to stimulate the economy. I might pick up some running shoes, or a fall jacket.

Have a wonderful day!

Tomorrow is World Food Day and Bosses' Day. Send your boss a note to tell them you appreciate them. :) You may want to make a donation to your favorite food charity. Let's feed and bless the hungry!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy Kick Butt Day!

Yes, that is today. :) Saying H & G. Hi and Goodbye. I am tired and have a headache, but I believe in God, hope and healing. Tomorrow will be a good day.

Have a great night and wonderful tomorrow.

"Each day is different, exciting and new.
Waiting to bring new adventure to you!"

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Happy Sunday and World Egg Day!

Happy World Egg Day! It is also Dia de la Raza for our friends in Mexico (a place I have never been but would love to go) and Grandmother's Day...

As a devout Christian, I love Sundays. They are days of peace and happiness to me, a time to rest and reflect. If you are Jewish, Saturdays are probably your reflection days, or Fridays for our Muslim friends. Whichever day you pick, having a day to slow down and reflect is good thing.

I have not eaten any eggs today to celebrate, but I would like to say that my grandmothers, both paternal and maternal, were awesome women. My maternal grandmother was Rora Andersson, a very Swedish woman who had rosy cheeks and sang while she cooked up some wondrously good food. She was very pretty as a younger woman and very kind. I called her mormor, which is Swedish for mother's mother. She taught us to say grace in Swedish. In her later years, she took to being quite candid, so I always knew when I had a pound or two to lose! An unfailingly loving mother, her children still miss her a ton.

My dad's mom was Jean Douglas MacGregor Miller, who was a striking, elegant woman. She was on a serial soap on the radio when she was younger and always had a dashing flair about her. She and her husband, my farfar, were crazy about each other and had the type of marriage I am aspiring to have with my dear hubby. When he died, the biggest of piece of her withered away and she didn't last too long after.

Two strong women to celebrate. So celebrate your grandmothers today, and/or eat an egg. Baking cookies count, I am sure! Or omelets...

If you are from Mexico, celebrate the wonder and magic of your warm and giving culture.

Make it a great week! We all deserve it! Tomorrow is Columbus Day, which some of my South American friends do not celebrate, as Christopher Columbus was not seen as a hero to them. I plan on just being happy about the discovery process. For example, I may discover what it's like to eat a starfruit while standing on my head, or discover what doing 100 situps in a row will do to my abs.

Love Linus

Friday, October 10, 2008

Carol Tuttle

Hey all,

I am passing on some great info from someone who agrees with me on the whole "Financial Crisis" take. The media is creating this crisis for ratings and it's time we fight back! Peacefully, of course. My way of fighting back right now is to simply not give these shows my time and ratings.

Dear Ellie,
Economic collapse, I say "phooey!"
Are you feeling anxious and uncertain, well you are not alone because the fear of not enough money is UP for a lot of people right now and it is being reflected back to us in a big way.
It is no accident that we are creating the illusion of an economic collapse in the outer world.
What really is ready to collapse is your poverty consciousness and default programs of lack and not enough.
These 2 resources will help you a ton, I promise.
The first one is my Manifesting More Money Boot Camps
1 and 2. You can try to collapse your old limiting beliefs on your own....or just reach out and let me help you.
I have discounted this for 2 more days for your benefit.
To collapse your blocks to money right now before you create an economic collapse in your reality go to:
We have a choice to create something different then what the media is feeding us.
The second resource you will find in my Radio Archives.
Last week I did a show on "The Economic Collapse a Window of Opportunity for Personal Expansion."
Just go to my website and click on the radio button:
Here is the scoop on the recent changes for the weekly broadcast of the LIVE "Living Your Truth with Carol Tuttle" call-in radio show:
When: Every Sunday afternoon
Time: 4-5 pm MT
How to Listen: Just go to my website and click on the radio button:
Sunday's Topic (Oct. 19): Angels, Angels, Angels - How to tap in to this Heavenly Power more than Ever!
Call in the show to receive some help with your money, health, or relationship issues. Call if you have any questions about Angels or Angel stories to share.
Just dial: 347-677-1963.
You can also email me your questions at
God Bless You,
Carol Tuttle
Master Energy Therapist
PS - I received this email from Sue just yesterday:
Hi Carol,
Wow, I mean WOW! Your money boot camp stuff is over the top. It showed me where my core beliefs were, how I have been running these "old" programs for my whole life, and then how to clear them super are a wonder woman.
Everyone that is ready to collapse their blocks to prosperity needs to invest in this for their money health. I love you Carol, you are my hero!
-Sue Wilson
Carol Tuttle
PO Box 900546
Sandy, UT

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:
To update your contact information:

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Sneakers and Moldy Cheese

Happy Sneaker Day and Moldy Cheese Day!
I celebrated today by running outside in the beautiful, fresh Columbus area. Did you know that on Frantz and Rings streets in Columbus there is a cornfield made of concrete corn stalks, each about 6-7 feet tall? Very cool!
Another fun fact about this town is that the people here are fierce fans of their college football team, the Buckeyes. Visit the town and you will see red and gray everywhere, a veritable field of scarlet and silver.
As for the moldy cheese, I do love blue cheese, so I might have some tomorrow. I might also go camping with hubby.
Have a blessed and wonderful night and tomorrow. May you all wake up on the right side of the bed. Hang on to your investments and your friends. Believe in yourselves!